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MEMBER NEWS: SC Agency member wins IAIP CWC Speak-off competition

Competition recognizes best speaker completing Confidence While Communicating program

IAIP-CWC-speakoff-w.jpgMary Hefner of Correll Insurance Group in Spartanburg won the International Association of Insurance Professionals Confidence While Communicating Speak-off competition during their International meeting earlier this month in Scottsdale, AZ. Left to right: Vickie Harmon, Mary Hefner, Rhoda Ryan & Tonya Burris. Ryan & Burris both represent award sponsor Johnson & Johnson.

Mary Hefner of the Correll Insurance Group in Spartanburg, SC, won the International Association of Insurance Professionals (IAIP) national Confidence While Communicating (CWC) Speak-Off competition during their International meeting earlier this month in Scottsdale, AZ. 

This annual competition recognize the best speaker completing the CWC educational program, which is designed to teach the skills necessary to prepare and deliver oral presentations. Candidates first compete at the local level, with the winners progressing to the regional levels and then culminating at the International Convention.

As part of the competition Mary delivered a prepared three-minute speech on the topic of “Insurance is a Noble Profession.”  She also spoke for one minute on the impromptu question of “what do you feel IAIP needs to do more of or change in the future?” She replied along the lines of providing more education for future technology including how artificial intelligence will affect our industry, and finished with a story about riding in an Uber (current application of technology) from the airport while behind a DRIVERLESS car (testing future applications of technology).

Award is sponsored by Johson & Johnson, Inc.

CORRECTION: In the Agent News email that went out 6-13-24, we incorrectly said that Mary Hefner was an employee of the CWS Insurance Agency in Spartanburg, SC.