Attendee Lists:
Palmetto Partners and exhibitors will be emailed a list directly 2 weeks prior to the event including with instructions to update their virtual booth profiles in map dynamics.
A final digital copy of the attendee list will also be emailed to attendees, sponsors and exhibitors after the event.
January 13 – Agent attendee registration opens
January 13- 24 – Priority Palmetto Partner Registration period (exhibitors & attendees)
*2025 Palmetto Partner Pledge forms must be received prior to registering in order to be recognized as a sponsor and to redeem benefits for this conference.*
January 27 – Exhibitor & Attendee Registration OPEN TO ALL
February 26 – Agent early-bird discounts & hotel group rates expire
February 26 – Exhibitor registration closes
March 14 – Pre-registration closes. Onsite pricing from this point forward.
If you receive any emails from someone claiming to be from IIABSC offering our Spring Conference attendee list, THIS IS A SCAM. The privacy of our members and attendees is extremely important. IIABSC does not release any event attendee or member lists with contact information publicly or share lists for distribution or purchase by third parties. Please read carefully, check the "From" email address and do no click any links provided within.
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