By now, you've probably heard about the new ransomware called WannaCrypt—also known as "WannaCry"—that has been making the rounds since last Friday. Code-named "EternalBlue," this worm is a remote code execution attack that takes advantage of a Windows vulnerability.
WannaCrypt's impact on the U.S. has been relatively low compared to the rest of the world—so far. Still, the Agents Council for Technology (ACT) strongly encourages you to take the necessary precautions and update your operating systems. Back in March, Microsoft issued a patch to cover this attack for systems such as Windows XP and Windows 7.
If you have Windows XP, upgrade to Windows 10. Older systems are more vulnerable, so administrators who are trying to save money by sticking with them usually run greater risks.
And while this particular attack did not target Windows 10 users, we could all afford to invest in a cyber hygiene program.
The ACT Security Issues work group is developing its focus areas for 2017 into 2018. Stay tuned for updates!
Learn more:
What is WannaCrypt & What is it Doing?
Microsoft’s Response to WannaCrypt