InsurPac drawing
Contribute NOW to InsurPac for a chance to win!
WINE & BEER RING TOSS (2025) It’s the same carnival game that you know, except that you will be tossing rings at a group of wine bottles ranging in value from $20-100, and you keep the bottles you “catch.” There will also be a silent auction for some top-end bourbons and any left over wine at the Friday night event.
THAT'S NOT ALL… For each donation, you will also be entered to win a fabulous prize.
Only Young Agents age 40 and younger are eligible to win.
$25 = one entry to win $50 = three entries to win $100 = EIGHT entries to win
South Carolina is the reigning InsurPac National Champions - SIX YEARS IN A ROW!
Thanks to you, we received the most contributions of any state, from past presidents and by Young Agents. Let's do what we can to keep our National Title!
InsurPac is the political action committee of our national association. It complements our federal legislative program and allows us to discuss important issues with legislators, but its funds need replenishing before and after every election cycle.
InsurPac and political action committees are part of the political process, and as heavily regulated as our industry is, unfortunately it is a process we can't afford to ignore!
Contributions must be made by cash, personal check or personal credit card. No corporate checks or credit cards can be accepted. InsurPac contributions are not tax deductible.
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