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Hotel Info & Onsite Details


You must be registered for the conference in order to book a sleeping room within the IIABSC block. Rooms are NOT guarenteed and we expect to sell out so book your room early!

IIABSC has reserved a block of hotel rooms for conference guests at:
The DeSoto Hotel

15 E Liberty, Savannah, GA 31401

Discounted room rates are $199 plus any tax, fees and resort fees per room/per night.   

  • The IIABSC group rate will be offered 3 days before and after the event based on hotel availability for those who wish to extend their stay.
  • Suites are not available at a group rate and must be reserved on your own if you are interested in that option.
  • Guests are not permitted to hold multiple rooms under the same name. For each guest room reservation, you MUST have a corresponding conference registration with IIABSC or your reservation is subject to being dropped form our block.

You must be registered for the conference to reserve your hotel room. Instructions for reserving your room will be included in your *automatic* registration confirmation email that you will receive after submitting your online registration.

 IIABSC reserves the right to drop you from our room block if you have a sleeping room but are not registered. 

Updated Frequently with 2025  information


Name badges are necessary for all activities and can be picked up at the registration desk during regsitration hours. Name badges contain the various tickets as eligibility allows (read on for details).

Name badges are color-coded to help attendees recognize each 
others affiliation. First-time attendees will also have a ribbon on their name badges.

RED: Agents 
BLUE: Company Reps, Exhibitors, Sponsors
YELLOW: Spouses, Special Guests, Speakers
GREEN: Nonmembers

Door prizes and drawings are for fully registered agency attendees only. Those eligible should find a sheet of blue tear-off tickets in their name badge all marked with a number that is your number for the duration of the event. Please be sure to hang on to your tickets as we will be unable to accommodate the replacement of lost tickets.

At the entrance of each function, tear off one of your tickets and drop it into the Door Prize box. Prize winners will be announced at the end of each function. You must be present to win.

Friday dinner ticket is included in your name badge holder. Dinner tickets are required for entry and will be exchanged for drink tickets (see below for details).


Drink tickets will be handed out at the door at each function where a bar is offered and can be redeemed at the bar for an alcohol beverage (liquor, beer or wine). No tickets needed for non-alcohol beverages.

Each adult attendee will receive two drink tickets each at the Thursday Reception.  Friday Morning, during networking with exhibitors 10:15-12:15, each adult will receive two drink tickets to be used at the host bar

Friday Afternoon, a pool bar will be offered for our adult attendees during afternoon free time 1:30-3:30pm. Please bring your ID and name badge to show an IIABSC attendant in exchange for your wrist band & two drink tickets (per adult). You must be a pre-registered YAC paid attendee in order to receive tickets for the pool bar. Each adult attendee will also receive two drink tickets each at the Friday evening dinner.  

Drink tickets do not need your name on them, but if you don't have one, bartenders will expect you to pay cash, credit card or room charge for any alcohol. 

Palmetto Partners Marketplace participants will be exhibiting in Cumberland Sapelo Room. Agents who visit all partner booths as indicated on their drawing ticket (found in the center of this booklet) will be entered into a drawing for $200 and $100 cash prizes to be awarded at Saturday evenings dinner.

Drop completed tickets into the drawing box in the exhibit hall by 11:45 am Friday for a chance to win.

Attendees will receive a brief online conference evaluation survey via email.

Please share your feedback to help us plan future successful Young Agents events.