IIABSC webcasts offer quick CE credit without any tests
ABEN webcasts are more engaging than typical webinars
Earn CE credit without ever leaving your office - NO TEST required! IIABSC offers dozens of current, relevant topics via webcast/webinar format with new topics added on a regular basis.
- Unique platform & viewer offer an unequaled visual experience
- Live, streaming video of the virtual classroom
- Useful powerpoint presentations & supporting material
- Real-time interactivity with ABEN's expert instructors
- Not your typical dull webinars!
 No test required for CE credits with IIABSC webcasts!
Upcoming webinars include:
E&O Risk Management Part I & II
Directors and Officers Liability Insurance
Data Privacy Insurance
Building Codes and Who Needs Ordinance or Law Coverage
2014 Surplus Lines License Review
Top 5 Life Insurance Uses
NFIP Basic Course w 2013 Updates
Estate Planning Techniques
Certificates of Insurance