Securing Umbrellas for Bad Drivers
Don't let a bad driving record deter you from offering an umbrella
Umbrella carriers know drivers aren't perfect. But both new business applicants and existing policyholders can have a not-so-great driving record and still secure a personal umbrella. RLI Insurance will accept most households with up to four violations and three at-fault accidents without requiring a motor vehicle report. DUI convictions are also acceptable with some carriers.
"You'll find that a driver with a few tickets or accidents is more likely to recognize their need for additional liability coverage than a driver who has never been in an accident"
Like they would for auto insurance, a driver with incidents will naturally pay more for an umbrella than the perfect driver in the other lane. But umbrella carriers typically count incidents for only three years or perhaps five for major violations. If your customer's quote or existing umbrella premium is high due to a poor driving record, they'll have the opportunity to pay less in the future.
Don't let a bad driving record deter you from offering an umbrella. You'll find that a driver with a few tickets or accidents is more likely to recognize their need for additional liability coverage than a driver who has never been in an accident.
 Big "I" membership includes access to two highly rated personal umbrella carriers:
RLI PUP offers broad underwriting guidelines and self underwriting application.
Anderson Murison is available for those who don't qualify with RLI. |