Non-CE Webcasts
ABEN partnership includes non-CE offerings in the interest of self study
IIABA non-CE webinars
Our national association offers webinars and technical training on a variety of relevant topics for agents that have not been filed for CE in South Carolina, and almost all are recorded and available for purchase by members. (Some are available at no cost!)
View IIABA recorded webinars
ABEN non-CE webcasts
IIABSC is part of the Agents & Brokers Education Network (ABEN), created to offer professional training via live webcast technology. In addition to their vast topics for CE credit, there are several non-CE offerings on relevant topics for those who enjoy self-study.
Topics include:
- Agency perpetuation
- Body language for business
- Managing customer experience
- New employee training
|  The ABEN difference includes:
- Unique platform & viewer offer an unequaled visual experience
- Live, streaming video of the virtual classroom
- Useful powerpoint presentations & supporting material
- Real-time interactivity with ABEN's expert instructors
- Not your typical, dull webinars!