Tips for Producer Renewal & CE Compliance
from the South Carolina Department of Insurance
- Your CE hours must be completed before you can renew.
- Your CE status must show “Yes” under CE Compliant before you can renew your license (refer to image 1).

- You must wait 24 hours to renew your license once you see the “Yes.”
- There are no approved CE classes for general. CE classes are approved for Life & Accident/Health (LAH), Property & Casualty (PC), or Ethics.
- You must take a total of 24 hours of CE with a minimum of 8 hours in each line of authority you are licensed in (LAH and/or PC) and 3 hours of ethics (refer to credits needed for renewal in image 2).

- You must renew your license through NIPR; we no longer accept paper applications.
- You must wait two years and one day to retake a CE class (refer to date taken in image 3).

- If you are no longer doing business in a line of authority, you must request cancellation of that line prior to your expiration date. Once your license is expired, you will be required to complete CE hours in that line of authority prior to renewing your license.
- You should NOT wait until the last week of your birth month to begin your CE classes. By regulation, providers have 30 days to upload the CE roster.
- You should have your CE classes taken at least 2-3 weeks prior to the expiration date on your license.
- You should log into SBS to review your CE transcript (refer to all images).
- You can carryover 18 CE hours to the next compliance period except for ethics.
- Your SC license number (NPN) is required to log into SBS.
- You have two years to complete your CE hours and do not have to wait until your birth month to begin taking classes (refer to compliance period in image 1).
- If you are unable to complete your CE hours due to a medical condition, please contact our department prior to your expiration date for a Hardship request. Please note that the medical condition must be for a significant period of time.
- Once you have met your renewal and CE requirements, you should print a renewed license through SBS showing the new expiration date.
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